Discover a more advanced tool for the critical study of Qurʾanic texts.

As an independent and scholarly resource, Qurʾan Gateway provides best-in-class tools for advanced academic study of the Qurʾan, enabling researchers to examine, search, and analyze Islam’s core text like never before. Intuitive to use and rigorously built, the groundbreaking software empowers a more thorough review of Qurʾanic texts and historical manuscripts.

It started with a need.

Qurʾanic scholars had been without a comprehensive research tool like those available to other historical texts, which significantly reduced efficiency of study. Recognizing this need, our founders developed an innovative new platform for the wider scholarly and lay community: Qurʾan Gateway. They also assembled an internationally respected and highly credentialed team of specialists in Islam and the text of the Qurʾan to advise and counsel on the site’s contents and accuracy.

We provide wide access to the best tools for researching the Qurʾan and its early manuscripts.

“A powerful and sophisticated digital concordance whose advanced search functionalities…tie in with debates that are…at the forefront of Qurʾanic Studies.”

- Nicolai Sinai, PhD, University of Oxford

“Qurʾan Gateway is a groundbreaking piece of software that will greatly enrich academic study of the Qurʾan.”

- Peter Riddell, Qurʾan Gateway Council of Reference

"I have never seen a Qurʾan search tool that parses out the Arabic as extensively as Qurʾan Gateway. It is an advanced search engine for lay teachers and scholars alike. Before I used Qurʾan Gateway, I needed multiple platforms to accomplish a single search. Now I can access dictionaries, the Arabic text and the transliteration in one place."

- Roy McCoy III, PhD, Notre Dame University

"Quite apart from putting Qurʾanic studies on a par with biblical studies, I'm not even sure anything as nice and usable as this exists for the Bible!"

- Rachel Dryden, PhD Candidate, University of Cambridge

“Approaching even the most basic problems of Qurʾanic studies can be a daunting task given the lack of a critical edition, the difficulty of accessing manuscripts, and an unwieldy set of reference volumes. Qurʾan Gateway goes a long way toward mitigating this situation through a powerful lineup of sophisticated research tools.”

- Joshua Falconer, PhD Student, Catholic University

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Unlock Qurʾan Gateway.

We are committed to excellence and the highest standards of academic rigor, product quality, and service to our scholars.

With Qurʾan Gateway, scholars can now:

  • Navigate to any part of the Qurʾan in a variety of ways
  • Browse the entire text of the Qurʾan in side-by-side format with Arabic, transcription, and English
  • Choose from several English translations
  • Hover over any Arabic word to reveal a full parsing, then drill down further to see more details or expand your search
  • Search the text of the Qurʾan in English, Arabic, or Arabic transcription by word, root, or lemma
  • Easily access research works like Penrice and Lane at a click
  • Search for word associations
  • Search for formulae of 3, 4, or 5 words throughout the Qurʾan
  • See and search manuscript corrections, in most cases with photographs and detailed descriptions
  • Conduct an advanced search based upon other criteria of your choosing
  • Browse charts and graphs, and generate your own
  • Mark entries as “Favorites”

It’s easy to get started.

Register for a 14 day free trial >

Find out more.

We are proud of this tool and hope that it will serve as a platform to inspire more research, discussion, and understanding of Qurʾanic texts and history. If you have any questions or would like to learn more, we invite you to get in touch with our team.